Month: August 1996

God's Comfort

As you turn through the pages of your Bible, you may be surprised by how little God seems to care for the ease and comfort of His saints.

Pressures And Priorities

While visiting a friend's office, I noticed that the standard In-Out baskets had been replaced by a five-tiered set of trays labeled Critical, Urgent, Important, Back-burner, Long-term. Those trays reminded me that unless I have God's perspective each day, pressures will always determine my priorities.

A Dead Man Cannot Save

A young boy stood outside an art store looking intently at a painting of Jesus on the cross. A man approached and asked, "Do you know who that is?"

Locked Out!

I can still remember the night I locked myself out of my house. My wife and son had just left for the evening, and I had gone outside to close up the garage. When I went back to the house, I discovered that the door had blown shut. Everything was tightly secured. I had no choice but to remain out in the chilly air until my family returned.

No Trouble

A Christian high school had taken its chorale to England to minister to the churches there. One day after the young people had sung, a member of one of the churches struck up a conversation with the principal of the school, who was on the trip as a chaperone.


A popular rap singer who died in 1995 at the age of 31 took pride in the profane language and violent imagery of his productions. If you listened to his music, you had the feeling that he was shaking his fist at God.

He Is Near

Have you ever thought about running away from God? Or has your situation ever been so bad that you felt as if you had outrun Him, and He didn't know where to find you?

Wobbly Knees

Our children grew up accustomed to thanking God for their food and asking Him to bless it. Once, after my husband had prayed, Tina asked, "Daddy, why did you ask God to bless this food to our wobbly knees?"

Parking Lot Christianity

Long lines of cars were filling up the huge parking lot of a church where I was attending a conference. As I parked, I noticed the word Love on a lightpost in one section. In another area, I saw the word Faithfulness. The next day I pulled into a different lot at the same church and saw Patience on another sign. Like numbers in a mall parking lot, these words help people find their cars.